miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013


The bees are indispensables in the life of the planet.They do not only produce honey as many people thinks, they constitute and enormous and sacrificial labor worldwide.Bees are responsible of pollinate 90% of the plants we grow.
if we do nothing to save bees, we could end up losing nuts, lots of vegetables, and cotton.
in recent years, we have seen a rapid and alarming decline in bee populations globaly.Some species have already dissapeared, and the other is just 4% of the original poblation. An study has confirmed that in Japan, Europe and North America the bees are getting less and less due to pests, viruses, fungi, pesticides, specially neonicotinoids which is a type of neurotoxin that kills insects by attcaking their nervous system.

A famous doctor recently said" Honey and royal jelly are examples of valuable nutrients that bees give us, but above all, we owe them abundant crops of fruits and vegetables, since they contribute to pollinate flowersenhance crops of productivity.So, the bees contribute to global food security, and their extinction would represent terrible biological disaster. For this reason bees mortality is priority".

In my opinion we do not value his genuine interest, is why in this blog I would like to disclose more about these "incredible" animals that are the bees, the importance for the environment and for us to have, and the chances of being harvested in protected as a natural and a integrated in the middle."YEARS SWARMS YEARS WITHOUT FAMINES", the swarmd does not usually bite, because in addition to carrying their crops full of honey for the trip, leaving them unable to bend and sting.

When we speak about bees, we think about honey, some also recall polen, royal jeely, pure besswax, propolis or posion for therapeutic purposes. But they often ignore the important role of the beesin the conservation of the environment, so that the greatest service that make these animals to nature in general and in particular is pollination.
One of the main problems is livestock use of protected areas is that often involve resource extraction, animals consume plants or seeds, and cause a gretarer and less loss of vegetation cover, which sometimes can be a risk in environmental conservation.the bees do not damge vegetation, they help to recover.
With this blog, i wanted to say about the great importance to the relationship with the surrounding bees
I finish this blog with an image taken in Urune

miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013


Txakolinari buruz hitzegitea pentsatu dut, ez dakit beroaren ondorioz edo eta freskagarri bateaz pentsatzean.
Edari hau Euskal Herrian sortzen den ardau zuria da,kantabrian eta Burgosen eta barne Txileko leku batzuetan  ekoizpen gutxiagoz.Mahats berdeekin egina, horregaitik ez da hain goxoa dastaketan, mingotzagoa baizki.
Aintzina txakolina baserrietan egiten zen, edo eta basetxeetan egiten zen eskuz.merkataritza arraozioa izan zen Gipuzkoan XVII. mendeko jatorrietatik gutxienez.Mende honetan bizkaian ere hasiko gara erreferentzia egiten edari honi buruz.
Ekoizpena ardo zuriarena da batez ere, nahiz eta arrosa eta beltza kantitate txikiagotan produzitu.
Ardo zuriaren kolorea larua da, sudurrean zitriko edo eta lurrin bizia erakusten du, oso erreza da edateko, eta oso garrantzitsua freskoa serbitu beharra dago. Aintzina sagarda bezala, ez zen pasatzen ez argitzen edaririk, bain azken urtetan soto askok honen lurrin eta saporea landu dute, gogo beteko saporea lortzeko.

El Txakoli es un vino muy especial, vinculado a la cultura del Pueblo Vasco, un vino joven con muchos años de existencia. Es probable que el origen de la palabra Txakoli , venga de la palabra" Etxakoa"; esto significa hecho en casa, o que proviene de caserio.
La denominación de origen del Txakoli tiene su origen en las características en el medio natural en la que se cultiva, normalmente en zonas cercanas a la costa.El clima atlántico, y las variedades autoctonas de la uva son idoneos para cultivar el Txakoli; con una personalidad especial al resto de los vinos.
La demanda del Txakoli, se incrementa año trás año, y también es llamado vino joven.Se caracteriza or su sabor afrutado y por su acidez. También se produce vino similar en Burgos y Cantabria.la producción del Txakoli no es muy amplia, y no es muy fácil de conseguir, pero por su rareza ha resultado tan codiciado, que se ha llegado a incluir en fiestas de Estados Unidos.Tiene graduación moderada de 9,5 a 11,5 grados.Algunos expertos aconsejan probarlo con bonito o anchoa, pero mi consejo es probarlo con cualquier alimento salado, y el txakoli servirlo frio en copa, y resulta muy apetecible.

The "Txakoli" is a very special wine, linked to the culture of the basque people, a young wine with many years of existence. It is likely that the orygin of the word "Txakoli" comes from the word "Etxakoa", meaning homemade, or came from hamlet.
The appellation of "Txakoli" comes from the characteristics in the environment in which is grown usually in areas near the Atlantic, and the grape areas are suitable for the "Txakoli", with a special personality to the rest of the wines.
"Txakoli" demand is increasing year after year, and also called young wine.It is caracterised about its fruity flavour and acidity.In Burgos and in Cantabria, a similar wine is made.
The "Txakoli" production is not very wide, and not very easy to get.has been very accepted by the people, and also has been in many parties in The United States.
The alcoholic grade of this drink is from 9,5 to 11,5 grades.It is very nice to drink it really fresh, always has to be cold, and nicer if you combine it with something like tune or anchovies.Why not try it?

domingo, 7 de julio de 2013


Gaurko honetan baserriari buruz hitzegingo dizuet, bera bai da nire etxebizitza, lasai eta interesgarria, fauna eta flora, animaliak, ortua, auzkoen laguntasuna eta bertako alimentuen goxotasuna dira honen karakteristika batzuek, baina baserria noiz sortu zen?
Baserriak behar izanaren arabera eginda daude, XVII. mendean sortu ziren, erdi aroan, eta gehienetan lanerako etxebizitzak ziren.Euskal herriko nekazal ustiapenerako oinarrizko unitatea da.
Gehienak mendian daude, abereak kanpora ateratzeko eta zoruak ondoan edukitzeko.Gutxitan zeunden baserriak bakarrik, normalean auzoko baserritar bat nahiko ondoan zuten, zerbait geratu ezkero abisatzeko honi.
Baserriek hiru solairu dute normalean, eta kasu oso gutxitan bat azpian. Ondoan itsatsita ukuilua, oilotegiak eta abar daude. Zoruak pixka bat urrunago daude. Itxurari buruz argi dago dirutsuenak baserri handi eta Forma ez da zehatz, baina gehienak laukizuzenak dira, aldeetatik luzeagoa. Aurrealdean zurezko ate handia izaten dute eta nahiko leiho. Askotan bigarren solairuan balkoi bat egoten. Alde honen forma laukiduna da, baina goi aldean hiruki antzerako bat egiten du teilatua dela eta. Ukuiluak, oliotegiak eta abar itsatsita badaude atzeko aldean izaten da.dotoreago dutela. Denborarekin baserriek aldaketak jaso dituzte, gehienbat egitura aldetik.
les voy a hablar del caserio, uno de los sitios más privilegiados donde uno puede vivir o estar dentro de la fauna y flora, y dentro de la explotación agricola y ganadera, un sitio espectacular que pocos conocen verdaderamente. los caserios se crearon en el siglo XVII, y normalmente eran areas de trabajo, para la agricultura, típicas en el  País Vasco.
Su construcción es en piedra, en forma de casa aislada, y puede alcanzar los 15 metros de altura. Suele disponer de una planta baja en la que se instalaban graneros, establos y demás dependencias agrícolas, y de una o más plantas elevadas que servían de vivienda.
El caserio es la  unidad económica esencialmente autosuficiente: tradicionalmente, el caserío estaba rodeado de los terrenos agrícolas que suplían prácticamente todas las necesidades de la familia, proveyendo de alimentos, ropas, etc, a sus habitantes. Integrados en la propia construcción o en edificios anejos se podían instalar talleres de manufacturas para tejidos, labrado de piedra
Today i am going to introduce evrybody the hamlet, so tpypical here in the basque country. So relaxing place, full of wildlife. Animals, orchard, and the neighboorhood, people helping each other for any job in the hamlet.
The hamlets were born in the XVII. century, and mainly they were for working and agricultural explotation, taking their own food, and taking their needs from their own animals. interchanging their products with their neighbours and items, instead of giving money.
Most of the hamlets are in the mountain, for the animals to be oustide, and the orchard to be next to.Normally the hamlets were not alone, there was always one of them next to , to help each other.Mainly in the begining they were made of wood, but now they are made of rock, because a lot of them were fired.
The hamlets are one of the most marvellous places here to live or to stay in the basque country, full of animal life and orchards.