El octubre en Urdaibai es indudablemente el mes de los
acontecimientos de tradición popular siendo Gernika su mayor escenario. Desde
Euskal Jaia, o la Fiesta Vasca, a la Feria Medieval en Bermeo, y de nuevo
Gernika como el anfitrión de una de las mayores ferias agrícolas del País Vasco
que se celebra el último lunes del mes, el día 29 este año.
El año pasado la asistencia a la feria batió su récord
con 120.000 visitantes disfrutando de este ambiente festivo entre los
puestos de alubias de Gernika, uno de los productos más demandados en esta
feria, y otros productos de caserío con los sellos de Eusko Label, Euskal
Baserri o Agricultura Ecológica.
Como cada año, este otoño tampoco faltará la exposición
ganadera, artesanía tradicional y los concursos en distintas categorías como
frutas, flores, hortalizas, txakoli, miel y quesos (¡el ganador de 2011 alcanzó
el precio de 6.200 euros!). Los premios se entregarán al mediodía.
Todos los productos, organizados en 900 puestos, se extenderán por el centro de Gernika, por
las calles de San Juan Ibarra, Pasaleku, Arekale y Juan Calzada. Sobre las 14 horas la feria se transforma en una fiesta con el tinte
cultural-deportivo animada por la actuación de los bertsolaris y los partidos
de cesta punta, pala y de esku pelota.
Esperamos que este año Urzi nos regale cielos despejados y mucho sol
para disfrutar de las riquezas de las tierras vascas, de sus costumbres
ancestrales, de la alegría y la hospitalidad de su gente.
Y el Hotel Urune os invita a descubrir nuestras ofertas especiales preparadas
expresamente para ese día otoñal tan excepcional. ¡Visita nuestra página web y
lánzate a explorar Urdaibai con nosotros!
Ongi etorri/Bienvenid@s
October in Urdaibai is undoubtedly the month of traditional events being Gernika their main
stage. From Euskal Jaia, (a celebration of Basque traditions, dances, music,
etc.) through a Medieval Fair in
Bermeo, back to Gernika as a host to one of the
largest agricultural fairs in the
Basque Country which is held on
the last Monday of the month, October
29th this year.
Last year attendance at the fair broke its record with 120,000 visitors enjoying the festive atmosphere among the stalls selling red beans from Gernika (alubias), one of the most popular products at the fair, and other products coming from farmhouses of all the Basque territory.Following the tradition, this year fair will not leave us without a livestock exhibition, traditional crafts and competitions in various categories such as fruit, flowers, vegetables, txakoli (a Basque white wine typical of the coast), honey and cheese (the winner from 2011 was sold on auction for 6,200 euro!). The prizes for the best products will be awarded at midday. All products, displayed on 900 stands will be installed through the center of Gernika, the streets of San Juan Ibarra, Pasaleku, Arekale and Juan Calzada.
At about 2 pm. the fair will gradually become a culture and sport event animated by the performance of bertsolaris (singers that improvise special verses to a subject given on the spot) and matches of cesta punta (a sport played with a ball and a kind of a basket similar to a glove), pala (a ball game played with a kind of a paddle) and esku pelota (a Basque hand ball).
Last year attendance at the fair broke its record with 120,000 visitors enjoying the festive atmosphere among the stalls selling red beans from Gernika (alubias), one of the most popular products at the fair, and other products coming from farmhouses of all the Basque territory.Following the tradition, this year fair will not leave us without a livestock exhibition, traditional crafts and competitions in various categories such as fruit, flowers, vegetables, txakoli (a Basque white wine typical of the coast), honey and cheese (the winner from 2011 was sold on auction for 6,200 euro!). The prizes for the best products will be awarded at midday. All products, displayed on 900 stands will be installed through the center of Gernika, the streets of San Juan Ibarra, Pasaleku, Arekale and Juan Calzada.
At about 2 pm. the fair will gradually become a culture and sport event animated by the performance of bertsolaris (singers that improvise special verses to a subject given on the spot) and matches of cesta punta (a sport played with a ball and a kind of a basket similar to a glove), pala (a ball game played with a kind of a paddle) and esku pelota (a Basque hand ball).
We hope that this year Urzi, the ancient Basque god of the skies, will send us clear horizon and plenty of sunshine to enjoy
the abundance of the Basque lands,
their ancient customs, joy and hospitality of its people.
And Urune Hotel invites you to discover our special offers prepared particularly for this special day of October. Visit our website and explore Urdaibai with us!
And Urune Hotel invites you to discover our special offers prepared particularly for this special day of October. Visit our website and explore Urdaibai with us!
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